Live your life without financial worry.

We provide bespoke independent financial advice to help you live a purposeful and joyful life. Your success is our priority and we are on a mission to create simple and effective financial solutions so that you can achieve your financial and life ambitions. Financial planning can be overwhelming and those big life milestones may seem out of reach. Saulsbury Independent exists to take the hassle out of money management and our team of expert advisors work hard to give you back control over your finances.

Whether you’re looking to invest, preparing for your retirement or starting your financial journey, we are here to help.

A financial plan to support your life ambitions.


Pension Planning

Planning for your pension doesn’t have to be daunting, complicated or stressful. If anything, it should be exciting. We love pensions because they allow people the opportunity to live the lifestyle they want. At Saulsbury Independent, we simplify complex processes by narrowing down all of the options that are most relevant to you. From your first meeting with us, you’ll receive expert advice that’s tailored to your needs to protect your future.

Inheritance Tax Planning

Inheritance tax is a type of tax that you have to pay once you have passed away. It’s a complex area of law that’s constantly changing. Failing to plan for your inheritance leaves you and your family exposed to a larger IHT bill. To secure your family’s future finances, you need to plan for the future.

We offer you a bespoke strategy that minimises your tax liabilities whilst taking important considerations into account, including your investments, income levels or pensions. From your first meeting with us, our objective is to simplify the journey and ensure what’s rightfully yours stays in the family.

Savings & Investments

Being able to save and invest intelligently will play a crucial role in securing your financial future. But with so many investment and saving opportunities available, it’s difficult to identify what strategy is the most effective.

We provide you with a tailored approach that prioritises your needs. We’ll ask you about your goals, aspirations and values too to create a strategy that suits you. For example, we offer ethical investing opportunities, which means you can invest your money knowing that it’s also having a positive impact on society, the environment and future generations.

Please note: The value of investments can fall and rise. You may not get back what you invested. Tax treatment depends on the individual circumstances of each client and may be subject to change in future.

When can I afford to stop working?
Will I run out of money?
Will I leave a legacy?
Can I afford to help out my kids?
Can I afford to travel?

These are the types of questions we answer during your time with Saulsbury Independent.