
Our approach puts you at the centre and takes the pressure out of the financial planning process. We believe that money is a utility that allows you to do the things you love; what we want to know is what you love. We want to get to know who you are and what you want to focus on. What does your dream life look like? What responsibilities do you have? And what are the things that are worrying you?

Our 5 step process is very simple; it’s all about getting to know you, carrying out in-depth bespoke research, building a robust financial plan and keeping you on track.

Our Services

This is where the magic happens, we listen to your aspirations and worries before creating a bespoke financial plan that offers peace of mind and actionable solutions. Here’s a few questions our service answers:

When can I afford to stop working?
Will I run out of money?
Will I leave a legacy?
Can I afford to help out my kids?
Can I afford to travel?

These are the types of questions we answer during your time with Saulsbury Independent. Other topics include the following...

  • Planning for your pension doesn’t have to be daunting, complicated or stressful. If anything, it should be exciting. We love pensions because they allow people the opportunity to live the lifestyle they want. At Saulsbury Independent, we simplify complex processes by narrowing down all of the options that are most relevant to you. From your first meeting with us, you’ll receive expert advice that’s tailored to your needs to protect your future.

  • Inheritance tax is a type of tax that you have to pay once you have passed away. It’s a complex area of law that’s constantly changing. Failing to plan for your inheritance leaves you and your family exposed to a larger IHT bill. To secure your family’s future finances, you need to plan for the future. We offer you a bespoke strategy that minimises your tax liabilities whilst taking important considerations into account, including your investments, income levels or pensions. From your first meeting with us, our objective is to simplify the journey and ensure what’s rightfully yours stays in the family.

  • Being able to save and invest intelligently will play a crucial role in securing your financial future. But with so many investment and saving opportunities available, it’s difficult to identify what strategy is the most effective. We provide you with a tailored approach that prioritises your needs. We’ll ask you about your goals, aspirations and values too to create a strategy that suits you. For example, we offer ethical investing opportunities, which means you can invest your money knowing that it’s also having a positive impact on society, the environment and future generations.

    Please note: The value of investments can fall and rise. You may not get back what you invested. Tax treatment depends on the individual circumstances of each client and may be subject to change in future.

  • Have you ever contemplated what would happen if you were to fall seriously ill, or, god forbid, something even worse? Nobody can predict the future, which is why it’s important to prepare a plan that will provide your family with an important safety net, regardless of the severity of the situation. Protection planning can alleviate stress and safeguard the future for you and your family. From critical insurance cover to life insurance through to debt insurance, we’ll use our expertise to inform you of all the important strategies that can mitigate the impact of such traumas.

A financial plan to support your life ambitions.

A financial plan to support your life ambitions.

A financial plan to support your life ambitions.

A financial plan to support your life ambitions.

A financial plan to support your life ambitions.

A financial plan to support your life ambitions.

What to expect…

  • Phase one: No obligation consultation

    This is a chance to get to know us and for us to get to know you and find out how we can potentially help. There is no pressure, no obligation, just a meeting to discuss your circumstances and goals.

  • Phase two: Phase two: Analysis and planning

    If you have existing financial arrangements in place we will look to analyse these and see whether or not they remain fit for purpose. In additional to this we will prepare your bespoke financial forecast to see if you’re on track to meet your objectives, and if not, how you can get back on track. We will also produce an investment recommendation tailored to your circumstances.

  • Phase three: Phase three: Presenting the plan

    This phase involves presenting everything we have worked on in phase two to you. This is a great time to get clarity on your financial plan and ask any questions. This is where we would do any refinements as well and get sign off from you to move ahead.

  • Phase four: Phase four: Implement the plan

    On the basis you are happy to go ahead this is where we begin to implement your plan. You sign and we take care of the rest.

  • Phase five: Keeping you on track

    Once we have set everything up we meet with you at least annually. We want to find out what is going on in your world. Have your plans changed and do we want to make any adjustments. We are with you every step of the way.


Why should I choose Saulsbury Independent?

Our small but perfectly formed team offer independent advice that only serves the best interest of our clients. We offer a personal, client focused approach and have a long track record of helping clients achieve their objectives.

Is my money safe?

All investments we place are covered by the financial services compensation scheme. The value of any investments made can go down as well as up.

Will my investment portfolio be well diversified?

Yes, one of our core investment beliefs is for our clients to have diversified portfolios. This means the vast majority of our clients will be invested in portfolios with thousands of different holdings within them.

When do people usually seek financial advice?

A life event is what typically triggers a client to initially get in touch with us. This could be the receipt of inheritance, issues with health, approaching retirement or looking to plan ones estate. We also find that many time-poor people approach us when they have accrued savings and/or investments that they no longer feel they can mange on their own.

How much communication will I receive?

We pride ourselves on communicating with our clients regularly in a format that most suits them. Please see our communications page for more information.

Independent or restricted advice?

We are deliberately independent, this means we are regularly researching the whole of market to provide the best and most objective outcomes for our clients.

What happens if I need my money in an emergency?

We don’t invest in products that have exist penalties, this means when you need your money you can get it usually in no more than two weeks. We are well aware that circumstances change and we don’t want to create any barriers between you and your money. It’s important to note that the value of the investment could be worth less than you invested if your money is accessed prematurely.

Can I choose where I invest my money?

We have a broad selection of well-researched portfolios that we recommend for our clients, utilising an evidence-based investment approach. If you want more information on how we select these portfolios then you can request to read our centralised investment proposition.